Prepare Your Construction Sites for NYS DEC Winter Stabilization Guidelines:
Increased Silt Fence Requirements:
- Install silt fence prior to frozen ground conditions.
- Install silt fence 15 feet from stockpiles (versus 10 feet).
- Maintain a 25-foot buffer from silt fence and other perimeter controls.
- Mark silt fence with taller stakes for increased visibility above snowpack.
- If your work area drains to and is within 100 feet of a water body, add a second row of silt fence (spaced 5 feet apart with contours).
Increased Stabilization Requirements:
- Stabilize soils within 3 business days (versus 7 or 14) of inactivity.
- Spread straw at 4 tons per acre if seed is not used (2 tons per acre with seed).
- Prepare for melting events by stabilizing soils at the end of the business day unless soils are to be worked within 24 hours and no precipitation is in the forecast.
Increased Miscellaneous Requirements:
- Use 10-foot-wide stone paths to stabilize equipment access perimeters of buildings.
- Keep snow off of drainage structures to prevent ice jams that can cause flooding.
- Prepare a snow management plan to accommodate for snow melt.
(Click here to view the NY State Standards and Specifications for Winter Stabilization)